Field Torque is the outreach services of Torque Communications.We work with village women, farmers, communities, social groups, formal and non-formal groupings as well as government at the taluk, district and the state and central levels.
Torque had led a programme of government engagement at the taluk, district and state level to involve local health workers – Anganwadi workers – in a Shell Foundation campaign to create awareness among village women on the dangers of smoke from three-stone fires as well as to promote conversion to improved cookstoves.
Similarly, Torque has led the Indian Japan Initiative which involved bringing Japanese and Indian women together through a series of ground activities that involved schools, colleges, women’s groups, corporate houses, artisans, old age homes, Japanese and Indian artists.
There is a little bit of Torque in a large number of communities we have touched over the years: farmers who grow organic cotton in the Kutch; policemen in Mumbai who listened with great interest to nutritionists on the art of healthy living; underprivileged children in different parts of the country who got once in a lifetime experiences…
Field Torque takes communication to where it belongs: the people. We work with our clients to establish points of engagement that are relevant and make a meaningful change.